One Liner Computer Questions with Answers 2023: List of Important Questions

One Liner Computer Questions with Answers

1. Who is known as the father of Computer science?

Ans. Charles Babbage

2. Most processing in the computer takes place in__?

Ans. CPU

3. In which type of computer, data acts as discrete signals?

Ans. Digital Computer

4. What is the scientific name for computers?

Ans. Sillico sapiens

5. What is the full form of BIOS?

Ans. Basic Input Output System

6. Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are known as?

Ans. Hybrid Computer

7. What does FORTRAN mean?

Ans. Formula Translation

8. What is responsible for translating and executing program at run time line by line?

Ans. Interpreter

9.What transmutes an entire program into machine language ?

Ans. Compiler

10. Who is known as the father of personal computer?

Ans. Edward Robert

11. The full form for EEPROM is__?

Ans. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

12. Who invented the first electronic computer?

Ans. J.V. Atansoff

13. What is the first web browser?

Ans. Mosaic

14. What does a first page of website is called?

Ans. Homepage

15. IBM stands for__?

Ans. International Business Machines

16. State the extension type of the excel 2007 files?

Ans. .xlsx

17. Collecting personal information and functionally posing as another individual is the crime of__?

Ans. Identity theft

18. What is the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document known as__?

Ans. Line Spacing

19. A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not contain__?

Ans. Operating system

20. The other name for programmed chip is _?


21. A normal CD- ROM generally can store up to _____data?

Ans. 680 MB

22. What is the full form of DMA?

Ans. Direct Memory Access

23. What does LAN stands for?

Ans. Local Area Network

24. ASCII stands for__?

Ans. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

25. During which years, second generation computers were developed?

Ans. 1956-65

26. When did arch rivals Apple Computers Inc. and IBM decide to join hands?

Ans. 1991

27. What kind of memory is both non –volatile and static?

Ans. ROM

28. An error in software or hardware is termed as bug. What is the substitute computer jargon for it?

Ans. Glitch

29. What does unwanted repetitious messages, for instance unsolicited bulk e-mail known as__?

Ans. Spam

30. What is the common name for the crime of stealing passwords?

Ans. Spoofing

31. Who is termed as Father of “C‘ programming language?

Ans. Dennis Ritchie

32. RAM can be treated as the ……… for the computer’s processor.

Ans. Waiting Room

33. What is the manipulation of computer data known as?

Ans. Processing

34. Perfumes, Joshy are examples of?

Ans. Viruses

35. In a computer memory hierarchy, where does most data go?

Ans. RAM

36. Help Menu is available at which button in a Computer?

Ans. Start

37. Which file has all the permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?

Ans. Master File

38. A DVD is an example of?

Ans. Optical Disc

39. Which tool is used to restrict access to computer system?

Ans. Passwords

40. What is the name of the technology that stores only essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and enhances its speed?


41. The Melissa virus was a widely publicised__ in 1999?

Ans. E-mail virus

42. What keys are used to reboot the computer?

Ans. Ctrl+Alt+Del

43. What is correcting errors in a program known as?

Ans. Debugging

44. BCD known as _?

Ans. Binary Coded Decimal

45. Which virus uses computer hosts to replicate itself?

Ans. Worm

46. SMTP, DNS and FTP are applications of the ____ layer?

Ans. Application

47. Which command is used to select the whole document in a Computer?

Ans. Ctrl+A

48. What is the acronym for COBOL?

Ans. Common Business Oriented Language

49. What is the ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time known as?

Ans. Multitasking

50. What is the function key used to display the save-as box?

Ans. F12

51. Full form of NOS?

Ans. Network Operating System

52. Something that easily understood the instructions is called……….?

Ans. Analog Data

53. What is a modem connected to?

Ans. Telephone Line

54. Refresh Rate of monitor is measured in _?

Ans. Hertz

55. What was the chief component of first generation computer?

Ans. Vacuum tube &Valves

56. What is the name of the Father of Computer Mouse?

Ans. Douglas Engelbart

57. What is the geometric arrangement of devices on the network known as?

Ans. Topology

58. The main focus of the computer process is to convert data into ___?

Ans. Information

59. Where are the memory and CPU located?

Ans. Motherboard

60. Who is the founder of IBM Company?

Ans. Thomas J. Watson

61. What is an image on a computer screen is made of?

Ans. Pixels

62. MAN stands for?

Ans. Metropolitan Area Network

63. What converts an entire program into machine language at one time?

Ans. Characters

64. The Microsoft company was founded in which year?

Ans. 1975

65. What is the personal computer operating system that uses a graphic desktop environment?

Ans. Windows

66. What are joystick and light pen?

Ans. Input Devices

67. A half byte also called as _?

Ans. Nibble

68. Full form of SMPS?

Ans. Switched Mode Power Supply

69. What changes the appearance and positioning of text documents in MSWord?

Ans. Formatting

70. Chain, Drum, Daisy wheel, Etc are the__?

Ans. Printers

71. Full form of XML?

Ans. Extensible Markup Language

72. Magnetic disk is an example of__?

Ans. Secondary Memory

73. What is the meaning of OSI?

Ans. Open system Interconnection

74. FORTRAN is _?

Ans. Formula Translation

75. What is the name of the first web browser?

Ans. Mosaic

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