ICSE 10th Admit Card 2023: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is the main body that conducts only one examination at the end of each academic year at both the Indian School Certificate (ISC) or Indian Certificate of School Examination (ICSE), or Class 10th or Class 12th levels. The council also commences the final examination in the months of February and March 2023 every year. Roll number and exam day instructions for the test will also be available on the official website.
Candidates can simply download hall tickets/ admit card one week prior to the exam. We suggest the candidates to carefully examine all the entry’s made in the same, if any mistakes found candidate must inform their respected schools. Every year, a lakh of students are waiting for the announcement for regular exam ICSE 10th Admit card 2023 at the official website of CICSE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations).
The council will release the annual exam ICSE Class 10th Exam Admit card 2023 expectedly in the month of January 2023. The authority will also provide online facility and issue the admit cards to the concerned schools. CISCE Board will announce the examination schedule most expectedly from the month of February / March 2023. All the ICSE board affiliated schools will be issued the admit cards. A huge number of students should start their exam preparation to attempt their board exams in this year.
The board will declare the date sheet for 10th class main exams. The candidates appearing in the ICSE examination will be able to get their venue and time of their examination from the admit cards made accessible to all the students either online from the authorized web portal of the board or offline from the respective school offices affiliated to CISCE. Candidates can get the complete details about ICSE 10th Admit Card 2023 from this article below.
ICSE 10th Admit Card 2023 Overview
Category | Board Exams |
Exam Category | ICSE Admit Card/ Hall Ticket 2023 |
Location | India |
Name of Board | Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) |
Starting of Exams | February 2023 (Expected) |
Ending of Exams | March 2023 (Expected) |
Admit card released Date | January 2023 (Expected) |
Status | Released soon |
Official Web portal | http://www.cisce.org |
ICSE 10th Hall ticket 2023 Download
Every year, CISCE Board organizes the public examination for the students of class 10th in both government and private schools which are affiliated to the CISCE Board, during the month of March. For the academic year 2023, CISCE has planned the board exams for class 10th students from the 2nd week of February to the 3rd week of February. Many students are going to appear for the exam so they should work hard and prepare for the exam accordingly so that they could perform outstanding in the exam.
Procedure to Download ICSE Admit card 2023
All the students will be able to collect their entry cards, students who are currently searching for ICSE Class 10th Exam Hall ticket 2023 for March examination in 2023, can access all the information regarding the same just by providing their roll number and school wise assign. Regular and private students will have to follow the instructions mentioned below to download the admit card:
- Go to the authorized web page of the ICSE http://www.cisce.org
- Now a new screen with various links appears there.
- Click on the “Admit card” option.
- This will lead you to another page.
- Enter the required credentials and click on the submit button
- A new screen will open with such details.
- Now download the class 10th admit card and take its print.
ICSE 10th Result 2023
CISCE Board will be disclosing the results for the class 10th examination most probably in the month of May. One will be able to access their results through telephone and/or SMS services that will be arranged by the authorities of the Secondary board with the help of the National Informatics Center, Ministry of communication and Information technology, and Department of information technology. Consequently, regular students can obtain their results directly from the official website of the exam education board.