World Geography Questions 2023 (MCQs) Geography GK Quiz

World Geography Questions (MCQs): From this article, you will be able to see 50 Multiple Choice Questions in accordance with World Geography that will enhance the general awareness of SSC, UPSC, Etc. Aspirants. Go through the complete list of important 50 World Geography Questions.

1. The transport of warm air toward the poles and cold air toward the equator is because of

(A) The temperature gradient
(B) The development of waves
(C) The latitude difference
(D) The longitude difference

Answer: B

2. What soils are common in the southeastern USA?

(A) Ultisols
(B) Alfisols
(C) Aridsols
(D) Mollisols

Answer: A

3. The term ‘regur’ means

(A) Deltaic alluvial soils
(B) Lateral soils
(C) Black cotton soils
(D) Red and yellow soils

Answer: C

4. Which among the following are the smallest glaciers

(A) Mountain or alpine glaciers
(B) Continental glaciers
(C) Piedmont glaciers
(D) None of the above

Answer: A

5. Which one is measured on the Richter scale?

(A) Density of liquids
(B) Intensity of earthquakes
(C) Velocity of tornadoes
(D) Height of mountains

Answer: B

6. Which type of soil is required for rice?

(A) Clayey loam
(B) Rich, muddy, and saturated with water
(C) Deep, loamy, well-drained
(D) Humus, rich in Fe and potash

Answer: B

7. Which among the following is the traditional land of the nomads of Central Asia?

(A) Mongolia and Tibet
(B) Sinkiang and Turkistan
(C) Kirghiz steppe
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

8. Which straits connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?

(A) Strait of Hormuz
(B) Strait of Gibraltar
(C) Bosporus Strait
(D) Dover Strait

Answer: B

9. Who formulated Nebular theory?

(A) Laplace
(B) Newton
(C) Kepler
(D) Ptolemy

Answer: A

10. In which country is Chomolungma located?

(A) India
(B) Nepal
(C) Bhutan
(D) Tibet

Answer: B

11. Which among the following is known as the land of the Midnight Sun?

(A) Belgium
(B) Russia
(C) Italy
(D) Norway

Answer: D

12. What is known as the largest island in the world?

(A) Greenland
(B) Austria
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Great Britain

Answer: A

13. The polar diameter is _________ to the equatorial diameter.

(A) More
(B) Equal
(C) Less
(D) They cannot be compared

Answer: C

14. The 2nd largest island (next to Greenland) in the world is known as

(A) Borneo
(B) Malagasy
(C) New Guinea
(D) Sumatra

Answer: C

15. Which mountains separate European and Arctic Russia?

(A) The Pyrenees
(B) The Balkans
(C) The Carpathians
(D) The Urals

Answer: D

16. Which country’s iron and steel industries are almost fully dependent on imported raw materials?

(A) Britain
(B) Japan
(C) Poland
(D) Germany

Answer: B

17. The smallest division of geological time scale is _____?

(A) Eon
(B) Eras
(C) Stage
(D) Periods

Answer: C

18. What major crops are found in Sudan?

(A) Rice, barley, cocoa, bananas
(B) Maize, bananas, cotton, groundnut
(C) Bajra, tobacco, oats
(D) Wool, jute, wine

Answer: B

19. What is known as tropical grassland?

(A) Taiga
(B) Savannah
(C) Pampas
(D) Prairies

Answer: B

20. Which state in India is leading in producing paper?

(A) Bihar
(B) West Bengal
(C) Kerala
(D) Orissa

Answer: B

21. The island of Sri Lanka was previously known as

(A) Madagascar
(B) Tasmania
(C) Ceylon
(D) None of the above

Answer: C

22. The southernmost part of the world is

(A) Cape of Good Hope, Africa
(B) Cape of Horn, S. America
(C) Colombo, Sri Lanka
(D) Wellington, New Zealand

Answer: B

23. Which planet has the maximum number of natural satellites (moons)?

(A) Jupiter
(B) Neptune
(C) Saturn
(D) Uranus

Answer: A

24. The major motion of the planet earth consists of

(A) Rotation
(B) Revolution
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of these

Answer: C

25. Where are the largest dune files found?

(A) the Middle East
(B) North Africa
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of the above

Answer: C

26. The islands of Seychelles are situated in

(A) Arctic Ocean
(B) Atlantic Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) Pacific Ocean

Answer: C

27. The rate at the change of temperature is known as

(A) Temperature difference
(B) Temperature gradient
(C) Isotherm
(D) None of the above

Answer: B

28. Which gulf separates Finland and Sweden in Europe?

(A) The Gulf of Bothnia
(B) The Gulf of Lions
(C) The Gulf of Genoa
(D) The Gulf of Venice

Answer: A

29. Which among the following is the most densely populated country of Africa?

(A) Mauritius
(B) Rwanda
(C) Burundi
(D) Sierra Leone

Answer: A

30. Which is the smallest state in the world (Population wise)?

(A) Vatican City
(B) Monaco
(C) Nauru
(D) Liechtenstein

Answer: A

31. Which is not a Kharif crop?

(A) Jute
(B) Maize
(C) Mustard
(D) Rice

Answer: C

32. Which is the most well-known member of Halick group?

(A) Halite
(B) Pyrite
(C) Galena
(D) Hematite

Answer: A

33. Which languages does China use?

(A) Chinese, English
(B) Chinese, Arabic
(C) Chinese, French
(D) Chinese, Korean

Answer: A

34. Which among the following is the largest gulf in the world?

(A) Gulf of Mexico
(B) Persian Gulf
(C) Gulf of Carpentaria
(D) Gulf of Mannar

Answer: A

35. Which is the second-largest continent in the world?

(A) Asia
(B) Australia
(C) Africa
(D) Europe

Answer: C

36. What is the shape of the earth?

(A) Sphere
(B) Oblate spheroid
(C) Circular
(D) Spheroid

Answer: B

37. Which among the following is the smallest country in the world?

(A) Russia
(B) Vatican City
(C) Brazil
(D) Canada

Answer: B

38. Which model explains the various types of igneous rocks

(A) Rock cycle
(B) Bowens reaction series
(C) Both are similar terms
(D) None of the above

Answer: B

39. How is the length of the day determined?

(A) Astronomical units
(B) Solar terms
(C) Length of the hours
(D) None of the above

Answer: A

40. Which among the following is a warm current?

(A) Benguela current
(B) Labrador current
(C) Kurosiwo current
(D) South Pacific current

Answer: C

41. The temperature increases rapidly after_____?

(A) Ionosphere
(B) Exosphere
(C) Stratosphere
(D) Troposphere

Answer: A

42. Which are rock formations cannot store groundwater?

(A) Aquifers
(B) Aquicludes
(C) Perched aquifer
(D) Spring

Answer: B

43. What is known as the process of soil development?

(A) Leaching
(B) Illuviation
(C) Eluviations
(D) Pedogenesis

Answer: D

44. Which is an igneous rock?

(A) Granite
(B) Limestone
(C) Slate
(D) Quartzite

Answer: A

45. Which among the following is the least explosive type of volcano?

(A) Basalt plateau
(B) Cinder cone
(C) Shield volcanoes
(D) Composite volcanoes

Answer: A

46. What is the most explosive type of volcano?

(A) The caldera
(B) A cinder cone
(C) Basalt plateau
(D) Shield volcanoes

Answer: A

47. Where are the highest sand dunes found?

(A) The Sahara Desert
(B) The Atacama Desert
(C) The Kalahari Desert
(D) The Gobi Desert

Answer: A

48. Where is the Great Victoria Desert located?

(A) Canada
(B) West Africa
(C) Australia
(D) North America

Answer: C

49. Which among the following is the saltiest sea in the world?

(A) Red Sea
(B) Dead Sea
(C) Arabian Sea
(D) Mediterranean Sea

Answer: B

50. Which country is known as the major graphite-producing country?

(A) Russia
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) India
(D) Zaire

Answer: B

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